Pediatricians support gay/lesbian marriage & adoption
Not just a statement to the press, but a published paper in their home journal: From the American Academy of Pediatrics: Policy Statement Promoting the Well-Being of Children Whose Parents Are Gay or...
View ArticleDeirdre McCluskey and Crossing, Steubenville and Landsberg
One of the best books I ever read was Deirdre McClusky’s Crossing. It is the story of her journey from Donald to Deirdre. It is heart wrenching and exhilarating and a thousand other trite words. If I...
View ArticleMccluskey quote about identity and balance sheets and utilitarianism
Found it online! (a much longer quote here, its about half-way through) I visited womanhood and stayed. It was not for the pleasures, though I discovered many I had not imagined, and many pains too....
View ArticleThe Sadness of (some) Christian LGBTs
My father used to get a publication (in the days before the net) that was clearly from “the enemy” though he would never use that word. This was a political enemy (we haven’t gotten to the LGBT part of...
View ArticlePink Fairy Armadillos
I may have to change my avatar. First of all, anything named fairy has got to be a LBGT ally. Second of all it has a butt plate, which it uses for digging. Third of all it is covered with silky hair,...
View ArticleWays NOT to reform NIH
Yesterday there was a short (relatively) discussion on twitter about what would happen if NIH limited the number of applications researchers can submit. Sci Curious I wonder how it would work...
View ArticleDisability Etiquette
I have a peripheral connection to the world of Rehabilitation. I am a neuroscientist/physiologist type and much of my work can be and has been used to support rehab strategies for specific disorders or...
View ArticleDiversity in My Everyday Life
I am not a person of color. I am not a person with significant disabilities. I strive and work towards being an ally to all sorts of under-represented people. I’m not the one to judge if I am there...
View ArticleSocietal Improvements
When people say that society (usually meaning first world) has not improved, I point to no smoking in planes and restaurants, brewed decaf coffee and comfortable shoes for women that look at least OK....
View ArticleNero fiddled, someone rearranged the deck chairs and France (and the NYT)...
Big story on France (admittedly this is the NYTimes’ take on what is important in France) today is its truffles. As the world of French truffles falls into disarray, let’s hear it for the poor man’s...
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